Our handbags are made in the USA at a small factory that helps support our local community and economy. We produce in small batches, so we only make what we need. This enables us to reduce material and energy waste.
Our leathers and suedes are sourced from an Italian tannery that places sustainability at the core of its business, focusing on managing water usage, reducing emissions, and responsible waste disposal. They are consistently investing in new procedures to improve their practices and lessen their impact on the environment.
Through our patented interchangeable design, we’ve created a more sustainable way to build out your collection of handbags. To change up your look, you just need a new Cover, rather than an entirely new bag, which significantly reduced the amount of material , energy, and labor needed.
The longer you wear an item, the less waste you create. That’s why our bags are made to last and are meant to be worn for years to come. We use the highest quality leather and suede that wears well over time and evolves as you do. Our bags are trend-inspired, not trend-driven, so they’ll never go out of style.